
Depression is a devastating and debilitating condition, though highly treatable. If you’re experiencing low energy, feelings of hopelessness, changes in appetite, loss of interest in once-enjoyable activities or sleep disturbances, you may be experiencing clinical depression. Irritability and forgetfulness can also indicate this condition in milder cases and in populations where expressing sadness are less normalized, as in certain social subsets and, in the US, with men. With an arsenal of evidence-based approaches, I can help you emerge. In sessions, you will receive support and learn the tools that can help you become an ally in your own healing.

the Blog

Your life is too precious
to waste another moment feeling stuck.

Dr. Kerwin is a Depression Treatment Specialist

Dr. Kerwin provides depression treatment in West Los Angeles, Santa Monica, Beverly Hills, Bel Air, Brentwood, Westwood, Pacific Palisades, Los Angeles County, and all of California. Contact Dr. Kerwin if you have questions about depression or are not sure about how to get started.