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The Power of Critical Thinking
Learning and Growth Dr Lauren Kerwin Learning and Growth Dr Lauren Kerwin

The Power of Critical Thinking

Critical thinking is a crucial skill that enables individuals to make better decisions, solve problems more effectively, communicate more effectively, innovate, make better judgments, approach learning more effectively, and develop emotional intelligence. By developing and honing critical thinking skills, individuals can become more successful in both personal and professional life.

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Neurodiversity Dr Lauren Kerwin Neurodiversity Dr Lauren Kerwin


While dyslexia presents challenges in reading, writing, and spelling, it is essential to recognize the unexpected benefits and hidden strengths that can emerge from this learning difference.

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Igniting Creativity
Learning and Growth Dr Lauren Kerwin Learning and Growth Dr Lauren Kerwin

Igniting Creativity

Creativity is an invaluable asset that enriches our lives and drives progress. By understanding the sources of inspiration and employing strategies to cultivate a creative mindset, we can unleash our creative potential and contribute to a brighter and more innovative future.

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